affiliates-check Cookie Lifetime: 182 days
affiliates-check Dedicated Account Manager
affiliates-check High Payouts: from ~15% per booking

Earn up to 25% commissions by becoming our affiliate

Start earning commissions from day one with access to all Go Transfers brands. And get access to our easy-to-use tools.


Sign in to your account to continue

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Learn more about our affiliate levels

Level: Explorer

Level: Explorer

15% Commission

Selling between $1-150K MXN

Become an explorer-level affiliate and get up to a 15% for each booking you generate. All the information will be in one place

Become an affiliate Become an affiliate
Level: Master Adventurer

Level: Master Adventurer

25% Commission

Selling more than $300K MXN

Become a Master Adventurer level affiliate and get up to a 25% commission for each reservation you generate. All the information will be in one place

Become an affiliate Become an affiliate
Level: Adventurer

Level: Adventurer

20% Commission

Selling between $151-300K MXN

Become an Adventurer level affiliate and earn up to 20% for each booking you generate. All the information will be in one place

Become an affiliate Become an affiliate
Payment Methods

Payments to your account at the beginning of each month

We deposit the first 5 working days of each month, by bank transfer or to your Paypal account, so you won't struggle to get your payment.

We have an account manager to help you.

We have an account manager, which gives our program a more personal touch and makes it special. With your support and our analysis, there's a lot we can achieve together.

  • Full Support
  • Profit-Generating Tips
  • Quick Response

Enjoy all the benefits and technologies that we offer to our affiliates.


You can add banners on your homepage or subpages. Banners can be of different sizes.


QR Codes

Get your personalized QR code this way every booking that arrives with your QR code will be commissionable. You can use your QR code wherever you want.

QR Codes
QR Codes

Affiliate page Comming soom

Get a dedicated affiliate page, this way you can increase the number of bookings.

Affiliate page

Affiliate links

Get a personalized and dedicated URL that you can share with your customers or visitors.

Affiliate links


You can create your customized Widgets, this way you can embed a Booking Box to your main site or any of its pages or sections. This way you can get a large number of bookings that will be commissionable.
